
You Have Discovered Your Dopamine Score!

Sensation Seeker

Here's What That Means:

You: You’re likely in the thrall of pleasure seeking behaviors and distractions more than you want to be, or might be in your best interest. It’s possible you just score very high on the Big Five personality traits for openness and extraversion and straight up love your life (Zorba the Greek style), or you might be hanging on to a thread, waging a constant inner battle to summon self control and discipline that seems forever just outside your grasp. 

If it’s a little closer to the latter and you’d like to make some positive changes, pull an Odysseus and lash yourself to the mast so you can hear the Siren Song of temptation without getting smashed on the rocks.


–– Share your goals with a friend or family member.
–– Build in some accountability that strengthens you in moments of weakness. 
–– Postpone indulging in your favorite dopamine trigger until you’ve done some dull, hard responsible thing you’d rather not.
–– Change up your environment (like turning off notifications and not having junk food in the house). “If you don’t wanna slip, don’t go where it’s slippery!”  

And if all else fails, seek proper structured support.  

Dopamine is supposed to reward us for a life boldly lived, not imprison us to our lower impulses.

Looking to Optimize Your Relationship to Dopamine?

And the five other neurotransmitters that make up peak performance? Flow Fundamentals is a 6-week self-paced online training program that gives you specific direction for finding more Flow in your life.