
You Have Discovered Your Dopamine Score!

Dopamine Dabbler

Here's What That Means:

You: Sure there’s times when you might overcook and get a bit too hot, a bit impulsive or indulgent, but in general, you’re doing a solid job striking the balance between spontaneity and planning. Good job!

Recommendations: In this middle range of scoring, it’s less about points earned, than it is about how well your choices are serving your life. If you feel like life is a little too controlled, predictable or even boring, you may want to consider adding elements of spontaneity, novelty and play to your schedule:

–– Take a dance class
–– Order something spicy or exotic off the menu
–– Listen to a new band
–– Argue naked (with a consenting partner, natch)
–– Take up a fitness routine that’s the opposite of what you normally do.

If, on the other hand,  you have some internal monologue that is frequently self critical like “I never should’ve finished that whole bag of cool ranch Doritos” or “Oh my god I can’t believe I’ve wasted an entire morning on Instagram!!!” or “I’ve got to stop frapping so much!” (and if you have to look up “frapping” it’s probably not your issue). Then you might be what the Ancient Greeks called an Akratic: meaning you know better, you just can’t always seem to do better. 

Fortunately, there are at least two interventions that can help. 

The first, is pay attention. Without trying to judge or change a single stitch, just notice your thoughts, sensations and emotions as you reach for that second Krispy Kreme doughnut, or you're about to disappear down a clickhole online. 

The second is be kind. Recent research at University of Texas has shown that self-compassion is actually a much more resilient personal skill than self esteem (which is often tied to external accomplishments and validation). Weirdly, we actually stand a better chance of living up to our own high standards when we’re kind to ourselves and acknowledge our best (though imperfect) efforts.  

Looking to Optimize Your Relationship to Dopamine?

And the five other neurotransmitters that make up peak performance? Flow Fundamentals is a 6-week self-paced online training program that gives you specific direction for finding more Flow in your life.